
Woodlands Primary Academy



At Woodlands Primary Academy we fully believe in delivering a PSHE curriculum which allows children to begin to have a good understanding of the importance of quality relationships and positive health and well being us all as individuals so we can thrive throughout our lives. At Woodlands, we do this through the Jigsaw curriculum. Jigsaw, the mindful approach to PSHE/HWB, brings together Personal, Social, Health Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development in a comprehensive scheme of learning. 

Jigsaw - Information for Parents/Carers

If you have any questions or queries about Jigsaw, please contact school and ask to speak to Miss Russell who will be happy to talk you through it in more detail. 

Click the image below to visit the Jigsaw website 


Implementation - PSHE 

We explore relationships, health and mental well being through the Jigsaw curriculum.

In addition to whole class teaching, we use Zippy, Apple and Passport in small group intervention sessions to develop each child's understanding of their own feelings, relationships and emotions to promote self understanding, resilience and coping strategies.

All pupils at Woodlands are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of our Academy and contributing positively to our community.

 At Woodlands we are committed to promoting positive well-being of the mind and body.  

We have enrichment days and weeks which specifically focus on aspects of Well-being. 

We have Well-being Champions in school who have been appointed to support and promote well-being in our school.

Implementation - RSE 

At Woodlands, sex and relationships education is taught via Jigsaw and also through the Science National Curriculum. 

We understand the importance of educating pupils about sex, relationships and their health, for them to make responsible and well-informed decisions in their lives.

The teaching of RSE and health education can help to prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. It allows us to promote the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at school and in the wider society.

We are clear that parents and carers are the prime educators for children on many of these matters and the school’s role is to provide our pupils with high-quality and age-appropriate teaching to support their personal development and pastoral needs.

The RSE and Health education policy outlines how the school’s RSE and health education curriculum will be organised and delivered as well as what will be taught to the various year groups. You can access a copy of this policy via the link below.

Defining Relationship and Sex Education

The DFE guidance defines RSE as “lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development.  It is about the understanding of the importance of marriage and family life, stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care. 

Working with parents

  • We believe in effective communication between home and school. If parents have concerns regarding RSE and health education, they may submit these via email, or contact the school office to arrange a meeting with the subject leader, Miss Russell.

Right to withdraw

  • Parents have the right to request that their child is withdrawn from some or all of sex education delivered as part of statutory RSE.
  • Parents do not have a right to withdraw their child from the relationships or health elements of the programmes.
  • Requests to withdraw a child from sex education will be made in writing to the Principal/Head of School.

Key Documents

Woodlands RSE Policy

Jigsaw - A Parents Guide to RSE