
Woodlands Primary Academy


We are not makers of history. We are made by history - Martin Luther-King Jr


At Woodlands, we aim, through the delivery of The National Curriculum, for high quality history teaching & learning which will inspire in pupils a curiosity and interest in Britain's past and that of the wider world. Our curriculum and teaching will equip learners with knowledge and understanding about significant aspects of history. 

Children will develop an increasing knowledge and understanding of history through the following themes;

- Legacy

- Conflict & Invasion

- Power

- Society & Community


At Woodlands, we implement substantive and disciplinary knowledge through the delivery of carefully planned and sequenced units of work. Throughout the teaching of history we aim to inspire pupils' curiosity to learn and understand about the past. We enable pupils to think critically, ask questions, use artefacts and historical information to develop understanding, perspective and judgement.

A comprehensive topic cycle is in place at Woodlands which allows for the teaching of historical skills and knowledge linked to a theme or context. In KS1, children develop historical knowledge through exposure to units which include historical context relevant to Oldham, Great Britain and significant international events.

In KS2, Cycle A and B are constructed to allow for an in depth, chronological approach to both British history (Cycle A) and World History (Cycle B).

Children work to develop skills and acquire historical knowledge of;

- Chronology

- Characteristic features

- Cause & Consequence

- How is the past represented?

- Organisation & Communication

- Enquiry

- Reasons for Events 

- Change & Continuity (KS2)