At Woodlands Primary Academy we are committed to ensuring we provide equality of education and opportunity for pupils, staff, parents and carers who are part of the Woodlands community irrespective of race, gender, disability, religion and belief, or socio-economic background.
All stakeholders will be treated equally and given equal access to the curriculum and life of the school. All will have equal opportunity to benefit from all that we offer. Our intention is to develop an ethos in which all will thrive.
Diversity and differences will be valued and respected by all and they will contribute to the richness of our school life and learning.
Under the Equality Act 2010, we welcome our general duty to
- Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by The Equality Act 2010
- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
- Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
We recognise our specific duties which aims to assist us to meet our general duty -
- To annually publish information on how we are complying with the Equality Duty including to publish information on our school population.
- To publish equality objectives every four years, which show how we plan to tackle particular inequalities and reduce or remove them
Our Equality Objectives
Our equality objectives are reviewed every 4 years. September 2023-2027
Equality Objective 1
To ensure that our curriculum reflects the rich diversities of the UK, our local area and community in order to meet the needs of our children irrespective of race, gender, disability, sexual orientation and religion.
We will do this by:
- Ensuring topics and resources used reflect diversity
- Regularly reviewing and monitoring the curriculum to ensure that topics and resources are up to date
- Ensuring that all children are accessing this diverse curriculum through high expectations and high-quality teaching to enable children to meet their full potential
Equality Objective 2
To continue to promote equality of opportunity in enrichment activities.
We will do this by:
Regularly monitoring the uptake of activities
- Ensuring that there is a range of activities to meet the needs of our diverse community
- Identifying and targeting groups with protected characteristics to ensure they have equal access and increase their engagement
Equality Objective 3
To work towards narrowing the attainment gap in all subjects between different groups.
We will do this by:
- Ensuring all staff have the necessary information, training and resources to implement high quality lessons
- Regularly monitoring attainment through analysing data and tracking pupil progress
- Ensuring that appropriate early interventions are put in place where underachievement is identified